Where can I find out more?
Take a look at the Welcome page, or our intranet page (https://intranet.leedsth.nhs.uk/a-summer-of-connecting/) for more information and to get involved in the live conversations too!
Who can get involved?
Everyone who works at LTHT will be sent an email with their login details from the automated system when the conversation opens. If you have a colleague who hasn't received their login details, please ask them to email leedsth-tr.jointheconversation@nhs.net
What is an online conversation?
The Wayfinder platform operates like an online virtual room or discussion forum that you can join from any internet-connected device, at any time to suit you. It has been designed to be a psychologically safe place to share your opinions and have your voice heard. Our online conversation is intended to be an open and transparent place to post comments and suggestions anonymously, vote to support the ideas of others, or simply read what is being shared.
When is the online conversation open?
The online conversation will be open 24/7 for 6 weeks from 11 July so you can share your ideas, and read, vote, and comment on the ideas of others, from your phone, tablet or computer.
What can I post?
We welcome all ideas, whether they are potentially controversial or about difficult topics. However, we expect you to be respectful with your contributions.
There are two simple rules, we do not allow:
- Personal comments – either naming or criticising individuals, or comments which make identifying individuals possible. These will either be amended to anonymise the individual, or hidden completely from view.
- Abusive or offensive comments. We will remove such comments and email the author through the platform if this is the case. This email will be sent via the Wayfinder platform and we will not know who you are.
Do I have to make comments or post ideas?
No. You can simply log in and read the discussion or use the 'like' and 'dislike' buttons to submit your views. We believe that everyone has something to contribute.
Is this really anonymous?
Yes, your name or identifying information will not appear with any of your ideas, comments or votes on the platform. This means your ideas will be treated by other participants based on what you say, not on who you are.
How is the online conversation moderated?
This online conversation is being facilitated by the Wayfinder team. In order to facilitate the conversation, the facilitation team may need to:
- Move some ideas to other sections of the conversation, if that’s where they more logically fit.
- Split some ideas that discuss multiple topics in one post. If your post contains more than one idea, the facilitation team may choose to break the post up into multiple posts.
- Deal with inappropriate contributions. If contributions are reported to the facilitators as being inappropriate or offensive, the moderators may remove an idea or comment.
How is the online conversation analysed?
All contributions, no matter how large or small, will be read and analysed by Clever Together. They will then develop an iterative coding frame and use qualitative thematic analysis to identify key themes and trends. Clever Together will produce a summary report to represent the views from the online conversation, highlighting main areas of discussion and strength of opinion.
Who can I contact if I am having difficulty?
If you’re having difficulty using the platform, please email leedsth-tr.jointheconversation@nhs.net
Our safeguarding responsibility
The aim of this process is to seek your ideas and insights to help refresh The Leeds Way. However, we recognise that thinking about your experiences can be distressing. If from your responses on the platform, we are worried about your health and safety, we are duty bound to act. In this circumstance we would seek to make contact with you via email to offer support.
Speaking up Routes:
Freedom to Speak Up
- Support for all concerns
- For further information: http://lthweb.leedsth.nhs.uk/sites/human-resources/vacancies/vacancies/whistleblowing/whistleblowing
- Contact email: leedsth-tr.speakup@nhs.net
- Contact phone: 07798 698 879
Dignity at Work
- Support for Bullying and Harassment
- For further information: http://lthweb.leedsth.nhs.uk/sites/human-resources/dignity-at-work/dignity-at-work-advisors
- Support for
- BME Staff Network
- Disability Staff Network
- LGBT+ Staff Network
- Long term Conditions Staff Peer Support group
- For further information: http://lthweb.leedsth.nhs.uk/sites/equality-and-diversity/equality-objectives/staff-networks
- Contact email: leedsth-tr.editeam@nhs.net
Health and Wellbeing
- Signposting you to LTHT support services and resources
- For further information: https://www.leedsth.nhs.uk/covid19/staff-wellbeing/
- Contact email: leedsth-tr.HealthandWellbeing@nhs.net
Mental Health First Aiders
- Mental Health First Aiders provide help on a first aid basis and can guide you to appropriate support where needed.
- For further information: http://lthweb.leedsth.nhs.uk/sites/staff-health-and-wellbeing/mental-health-first-aid
- Contact email: leedsth-tr.HealthandWellbeing@nhs.net
- Wellbeing support and pastoral care for all staff- you don’t have to have a faith, belief or religion:
- Time to Talk – 1-1 support to talk about anything that affects your wellbeing
- Time for Teams – for managers and teams to discuss an issue or experience with someone external
- Time to Think – training that explores the connections between personal values and work roles alongside the Leeds way
- Time to Remember – for anyone who has experienced bereavement or loss of any kind.
- Contact email: andrea.farley-moore1@nhs.net
- Contact telephone: 07385 460 931
- Chaplaincy office: 0113 20 65935
Staff Side
- Trade Union support
- >For further information: http://lthweb.leedsth.nhs.uk/sites/human-resources/vacancies/vacancies/trade-unions
- Contact email: Denise-a.carr@nhs.net
- Contact telephone: 09761 348 368
Human Resources
- Conflict resolution for experiences shared between colleagues
- For further information: http://lthweb.leedsth.nhs.uk/sites/human-resources/homepage
- Contact info: http://lthweb.leedsth.nhs.uk/sites/human-resources
- Support for Incidents and Risks
- For further information: http://datix/datixweb/live/index.php?module=INC or http://lthweb.leedsth.nhs.uk/sites/risk-management/incident-reporting/incident-reporting-1/ir1s/datix/
- Contact email: datix.lth@nhs.net